Catégorie : RED5
Upgrade Red 5
Trouvé ici : Check that you have Ant 1.7, java 1.6 and subversion installed (you can check with # ant -version and # java -version then position yourself in your choosed folder (i.e : cd /opt) then do a : # svn checkout red5 then go to your new red5 folder (cd /red5) and…
Créer fichier pour démarrage de red5
Voir ici : CREATE INIT FILE vi /etc/init.d/red5 paste the script below than save and close by pressing ESC than typing :wq Code: #!/bin/sh # Startup script for Red5 flash streaming server on RedHat/CentOS (cPanel) # chkconfig: 2345 95 55 # description: Red5 Flash Streaming Server # processname: red5 PROG=red5 RED5_HOME=/usr/local/red5 DAEMON=$RED5_HOME/$ PIDFILE=/var/run/$ #…
Admin panel dans RED5
Il se trouve à cette adresse : MONIP:5080/demos/adminPanel.html Mais dans la version 0.9, il semble que la création d’un admin ne fonctionne pas… L’installer des applications est accessible ici : MONIP:5080/installer
Start stop RED5
Login to ssh and enter the following commands. #cd /usr/local/red5 to stop red5 : ./ to start red5: ./ & When you see this line: 2009-09-27 23:26:32,365 [main] INFO org.red5.server.Standalone – Startup done i n: 5464 ms (it will be easy because the lines will stop running at this point) Wait 15 seconds Then you…